There are lots of places to get involved at City Rev. Check out the different teams and opportunities to serve on this page and we'll get you more information about the teams you are interested in.
Here you can find a few of the ways you can get involved in serving. To get connected to serving now, click the button below.
Join our weekly worship services teams where we come together to worship God and learn from the Bible. Volunteers serve in all different capacities particular to the jobs needed.
Service Slides
Worship Band
Office Prep
Prayer Team
Hospitality is the first point of contact for our guests and church family to see the loving welcome God extends to them in the Gospel. Our goal is that each guest is met with a warm smile, genuine greeting, and helpful directions, along with a great cup of coffee. These opportunities involve a 30 minute time commitment before or after the service on Sunday. They also provide flexible monthly commitments.
Greeters & Ushers
Guest Services
Environment & Decor

Kids Ministry is planting the seed of God's Word in the hearts of our kids from 12 weeks old to 5th grade. Volunteers serve bi-weekly during a service (Sundays at our West Pines campus at 10:00 am and 11:45 am, or at our Cooper City campus at 11:00 am) and are paired in teams so that everyone has an opportunity to learn and grow in community right alongside the kids.
Family Greeter
Kids Praise Team
Curriculum Prep
Student Ministry is focused on helping provide a unique and welcoming environment for middle and high school students to come and learn about Christ. Volunteers participate in games, engage students in spiritual conversations, and act as role models by disciplining the students. More importantly, they have fun!
Waffle Wednesday is when we open up the Fuge and allow middle and high school students into our space to serve them free waffles and get an opportunity to talk to them about God and our Student Ministry. Volunteers can help in the kitchen or out at the counter serving waffles. We also need help with tech, clean-up, and security.
These opportunities involve a 2-hour Wednesday time commitment. They also provide flexible monthly commitments.
The Fuge, Middle School: Wednesday,
6:30 - 8:30pm
The Fuge, High School: Wednesday, 7:30 - 9:30pm
The Fuge, Waffle Wednesday: Wednesday, 3 - 5pm