This content is designed to help you learn the mindset and approach we take to teaching the Bible at City Rev Church. During this plan, you will work through 1 Kings 19:1-8 as your example passage.

Video 1: The Teacher

This 25-minute video focuses on the first part of the teaching process: The Teacher. Watch as Pastor Robey talks through the mindset and practices we can take on as teachers of the Bible.

Estimated: 25 minutes

Activity: Journal

Spend some time journaling in response to the content you heard. Here are some questions to reflect on

  • What stuck out to you from Video 1?

  • Reflect on James' caution - "Not many of you should become teachers"... Do you believe that God has called you to teach the Bible? Yes, no, unsure?

  • Read and reflect on Psalm 139:23-24. Ask God to search your motives for why you want to teach the Bible.

  • What motives are at work within you?

  • What do you hope to get out of this growth plan?

Estimated: 20 minutes

Video 2: The Task

Part 2 takes a high-level view of the task of teaching the Bible.

Estimated: 30 minutes

Activity: Fill Out Your Own Teaching Prep Template

Make a copy of the teaching prep template and review it. Click the button below to view the template in Google Docs. File → Make a Copy → Rename the document
Review the steps laid out in the document. In the coming sessions, we will continue walking through how to use this template.

Video 3: Mining

This part covers the first part of the Bible study process before teaching: Mining.

Estimated: 30 minutes

Activity: Complete Your Own Inductive Study

Using the Teaching Prep Template, do an inductive study of 1 Kings 19:1-8.

Estimated: 60 minutes


Once you have finished this content, the next step is to schedule a meeting with Pastor Robey.

This meeting will be your opportunity to discuss what you've learned and ask questions that you may have written down along the way.

The content of the meeting will focus on the videos and activities that you've walked through in this growth plan.